well this happened 10 years ago.
I was 17 years old and I usually went to riding roller-skate so one day in my neighborhood meanwhile I did my rutine I saw a new neighbor he was so handsome, very tall and good legs he was very atractive to me. when I saw him he was carried big boxes but he saw me and smiles me. every day I tried to see him again and again so if my mom wanted bread or something to bought I was ready to do it. After 4 days I could see him again, he was with her little sister and I was with my little niece so I thought this is my oportunity and I said Hi, are you the new neighbors? and he said yes so we start to talk a lot, the convertation was very funny and I asked what did he think about walk to the park with the little girls, so we went to the park after 1 month we were couple we were together for 6 years after that we broke up but we couldn`t and we can`t be separate so now we are really good frinds since almost4 years.
he is the most lovely guy, he is very inteligent he allways be for me, if i`m ill he is my nurse, when i feel depressie or angry he is psychologist and my personal puchingball, obviously i try to be the bets friend of the world for him.