Personally I prefer not to read about bad things because I can daily see problems in everywhere.
I was reading about Domestic Violence, in my opinion this is the worst crime that exist because the people that we suppose have to love us, bring us support and confidence do all the opposite.
I strongly believe that the principal problem that produce violence and all the differents crimes is the lack of love, pleople is living with the wrong ideas for example they doesn`t believe in marriage and people start a relationship thinking in fail. If the beginning of the relationship starts in the wrong way, what things can we wait for?
Unfortunately, everybody or almost everybody is rowing at the opposite side.
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009
Writing assignment 6 : Formal transactional letter
Dear Mrs Jorge,
I am a member of an enviromental group and I'm writing to inform you that I am very disappointed with attitude that I read in the newspapper but not with the people that were arrested, in my opinion the real problem is the construction of the road, actually the world is affected with the global warming and it is completely inappropriate thinking in the destruction the natural riches that the world need and I would like to ask you for this point if you really consider that the protesting was wrong?.
I would like suggest that you consider the protesting was fair and the arrested was unfair.
I think that I can ask for some compensation.I would like you to take my points under consideration.
I look forward to receiving a reply from you.
Yours sincerely,
Melissa Rodrìguez
I am a member of an enviromental group and I'm writing to inform you that I am very disappointed with attitude that I read in the newspapper but not with the people that were arrested, in my opinion the real problem is the construction of the road, actually the world is affected with the global warming and it is completely inappropriate thinking in the destruction the natural riches that the world need and I would like to ask you for this point if you really consider that the protesting was wrong?.
I would like suggest that you consider the protesting was fair and the arrested was unfair.
I think that I can ask for some compensation.I would like you to take my points under consideration.
I look forward to receiving a reply from you.
Yours sincerely,
Melissa Rodrìguez
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009
Environmental Survey

1)Do you notice something diferent on the weather since your was a child until now ?
2)What do you feel with the enviromental disasters. Do you feel scare or it doesn't care?
3)Exist a lot of enviromental problems, can you mention any?
4)The OZONE afect health and cause environmental problems. Do you take some care about it?
5)Enviromental problems afect economy. are you degree?
6)Do you take any precaution to care the enviromental?
7)Do you feel angry When someone thow litter out on the streets?
8) Which are the most importan enviromental problems that exist in yor country?
9)Is the government worried about these kind of problems? Have they taken precautionary?
10)In your hous do you hav difeferent bags or containers to separate the garbage?
Alejandra Reyes
Nélida Rodríguez
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009
Writing assignment 5: an article
What can ordinary people do to help in the fight against crime?
Crime is a current topic in today's world, every day in the news appear physical violence or psychological violence and nobody take the challenge seriously to change of this situation.
There are a lot of alternatives to do somthing to change this crime problem but is importan that ordinary people work to help in the fight against crime.
When I was a child my neighbours worked together against crime they used simple things for example when a child went out to played he had to used a whistle in his neck and if somebody unknow appear the child had to blow the whistle and all the neighbours went out to helped, sometimes simple things are exelent alternatives to help.
If the ordinary people, the police or the goberment don't do anything, who can do it? so if you want a change we have to start for us
There are a lot of alternatives to do somthing to change this crime problem but is importan that ordinary people work to help in the fight against crime.
When I was a child my neighbours worked together against crime they used simple things for example when a child went out to played he had to used a whistle in his neck and if somebody unknow appear the child had to blow the whistle and all the neighbours went out to helped, sometimes simple things are exelent alternatives to help.
If the ordinary people, the police or the goberment don't do anything, who can do it? so if you want a change we have to start for us
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
Part 2
Write an answer to one of the questions 2 - 6 in this part. Write your answer in 120 - 180 words in an appropriate style.
3. You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must begin or end with the following words:
They were sad to leave, but they had no choice.
Sara and Mike are brothers. They live so far of their parents because they start to study in the university in the city so they had to leave their home. Now Sara has a fiance. She is studing medicine and Mike is studing philosophy he has a girlfriend too. They haven`t talked with their parents so they couldn't imagine the terrible situation of their family.
Sara is planing her wedding, She wants to get married the next month but unfortunatelly she is not going to do it. When she call their parents to tell them the new her father tell her that her mother was very sick, postrated in bed forever and he couldn't take care of her because he has a terrible sickness and is going to die soon. This is a horrible situation for her because his fiance doesn't care of her mom,so she had to decide between get married or take care of her mom forever.
They were sad to leave, but they had no choice their family were bad and were waiting their help.
3. You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must begin or end with the following words:
They were sad to leave, but they had no choice.
Sara and Mike are brothers. They live so far of their parents because they start to study in the university in the city so they had to leave their home. Now Sara has a fiance. She is studing medicine and Mike is studing philosophy he has a girlfriend too. They haven`t talked with their parents so they couldn't imagine the terrible situation of their family.
Sara is planing her wedding, She wants to get married the next month but unfortunatelly she is not going to do it. When she call their parents to tell them the new her father tell her that her mother was very sick, postrated in bed forever and he couldn't take care of her because he has a terrible sickness and is going to die soon. This is a horrible situation for her because his fiance doesn't care of her mom,so she had to decide between get married or take care of her mom forever.
They were sad to leave, but they had no choice their family were bad and were waiting their help.
Part 1 1. You must answer the above question.
Dear Helen,
I'm writing you to thanks in response of yur latter, the new that you gave me is fantastic.
I would like to travel on July because on this month I would be ready with all the documentation I need to travel.
Concerning to the accommodation at camp California, I would prefer tents rather than log cabins. I love the nature and this is a chance to do something different and spend all the time outside, cooking mashmallow on a bonfire, sounds better for me.
Well about the activities I choose are photography and swimming. I always take pictures on my free time at the mountains, animals, and so on, nature in general I just love it. I also choose swimming because I like that and I enjoy it a lot and obiously because is good for my body.
I would like to know about the cost of the food, four meals a day is not enough for me, so I would appreciate if you send me the values or some special discounts. Also I would like to know if I have to bring the clothe or you are going to lend me some.
that's all for now
Yours sincerely,
Melissa Rodríguez
I'm writing you to thanks in response of yur latter, the new that you gave me is fantastic.
I would like to travel on July because on this month I would be ready with all the documentation I need to travel.
Concerning to the accommodation at camp California, I would prefer tents rather than log cabins. I love the nature and this is a chance to do something different and spend all the time outside, cooking mashmallow on a bonfire, sounds better for me.
Well about the activities I choose are photography and swimming. I always take pictures on my free time at the mountains, animals, and so on, nature in general I just love it. I also choose swimming because I like that and I enjoy it a lot and obiously because is good for my body.
I would like to know about the cost of the food, four meals a day is not enough for me, so I would appreciate if you send me the values or some special discounts. Also I would like to know if I have to bring the clothe or you are going to lend me some.
that's all for now
Yours sincerely,
Melissa Rodríguez
jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009
modals in the past
Miriam’s disastrous trip.
As a young girl, Miriam always wanted to see orangutans. After graduating from high school, she worked for a year to save some money. She decided to visit Indonesia, where there is one of only two orangutan rehabilitation centers in the world.
The night before her flight, her friends threw her a huge going-away party that ended at 4:00 A.M. Her flight wasn’t until noon, so she thought she had plenty of time. She came home late, forgot to set her alarm clock, and didn’t wake up until 9:30 A.M. She hadn’t packed the night before, so she just threw all her clothes into her backpack and left for the airport. She made it just in time!
Miriam was so excited that she didn’t eat or sleep during the 12-hour flight to Jakarta. She planned to study her guidebook on the plane, but in her hurry to pack that morning, she forgot to put it in her carryon bag. It was late at night when the plane landed, so the airport was busy and confusing. A very aggressive taxi driver quickly grabbed her luggage, put her in his taxi, and took her to a very expensive hotel. She was tired, hungry, and scared, so she decided to stay only one night and look for a more inexpensive hotel the following day.
The next morning at breakfast, Miriam finally got a chance to look at her guidebook. Her face fell when she read that Indonesia consisted of more than 18,000 different islands! Indonesia was a huge country,and she was in the wrong part of it – that is, if she wanted to see orangutans! Jakarta is on the island of Java, and the orangutan rehabilitation center was near Bukit Lawang on the island of Sumatra!
Miriam decided that she could either sit and cry or calmly think about her options. She could fly to the closest major city of Medan, which would be really expensive. A bus would be cheaper, but that would be a 50-hour nonstop bus ride! She could take a 45-hour boat ride from Jakarta to Medan, but that boat ran only once every two weeks. Taking the train wasn’t a bad idea, but train service was only available to the end of Java, and then she would have to take a 36-hour bus ride.
What was she going to do?
2. Now discuss these questions.
a. What are some things that Miriam definitely should have done before she left on her trip?
Definitely Miriam must have forgot to put her guidebook in her carryon
b. What are some other things that Miriam could have done to make her trip more enjoyable?
c. What should she do now?
As a young girl, Miriam always wanted to see orangutans. After graduating from high school, she worked for a year to save some money. She decided to visit Indonesia, where there is one of only two orangutan rehabilitation centers in the world.
The night before her flight, her friends threw her a huge going-away party that ended at 4:00 A.M. Her flight wasn’t until noon, so she thought she had plenty of time. She came home late, forgot to set her alarm clock, and didn’t wake up until 9:30 A.M. She hadn’t packed the night before, so she just threw all her clothes into her backpack and left for the airport. She made it just in time!
Miriam was so excited that she didn’t eat or sleep during the 12-hour flight to Jakarta. She planned to study her guidebook on the plane, but in her hurry to pack that morning, she forgot to put it in her carryon bag. It was late at night when the plane landed, so the airport was busy and confusing. A very aggressive taxi driver quickly grabbed her luggage, put her in his taxi, and took her to a very expensive hotel. She was tired, hungry, and scared, so she decided to stay only one night and look for a more inexpensive hotel the following day.
The next morning at breakfast, Miriam finally got a chance to look at her guidebook. Her face fell when she read that Indonesia consisted of more than 18,000 different islands! Indonesia was a huge country,and she was in the wrong part of it – that is, if she wanted to see orangutans! Jakarta is on the island of Java, and the orangutan rehabilitation center was near Bukit Lawang on the island of Sumatra!
Miriam decided that she could either sit and cry or calmly think about her options. She could fly to the closest major city of Medan, which would be really expensive. A bus would be cheaper, but that would be a 50-hour nonstop bus ride! She could take a 45-hour boat ride from Jakarta to Medan, but that boat ran only once every two weeks. Taking the train wasn’t a bad idea, but train service was only available to the end of Java, and then she would have to take a 36-hour bus ride.
What was she going to do?
2. Now discuss these questions.
a. What are some things that Miriam definitely should have done before she left on her trip?
Definitely Miriam must have forgot to put her guidebook in her carryon
b. What are some other things that Miriam could have done to make her trip more enjoyable?
c. What should she do now?
jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009
Writing Assignment 3: Composition

The best way to travel in (Santiago or a town or city you know well)
Well I live in Santiago specifically in la Florida, Santiago is a very big city so here we can find a lot of places to visit for example Santa Lucia hill or San Cristobal hill at the nigth this places have good eyesight.
In my opinion all Chile is so great and beautifull place because we find all the things that you look for if you want to go to the beach do you have the coast, if you want nature you have the south of Chile and if you need a hot weather you have the north. In Santiago you can find a many places culturals and if you prefer enjoy.
If you are staying in Santiago more than a few days get a Bip-card you can minimum recharge at any subway $800.This card is good for both subway and bus, in a period of 2 hours you allows transfer between the 2. The subway is an exelent method to travel by Santiago but is a good way if you prefer the bus too maybe you take more time taveling by bus but in my opinion is more confortable than the subway but at the same time is bad because is more dangerous what ever thinking beter the subway is the best maner to travel by Santiago but you have only between roughly 6 am and 11 pm to take it. The buses runs all day but with more frequency at the piks hours.
So now you know and you have to decide what way is the best for you to travel in Santiago city.
miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

well this happened 10 years ago.
I was 17 years old and I usually went to riding roller-skate so one day in my neighborhood meanwhile I did my rutine I saw a new neighbor he was so handsome, very tall and good legs he was very atractive to me. when I saw him he was carried big boxes but he saw me and smiles me. every day I tried to see him again and again so if my mom wanted bread or something to bought I was ready to do it. After 4 days I could see him again, he was with her little sister and I was with my little niece so I thought this is my oportunity and I said Hi, are you the new neighbors? and he said yes so we start to talk a lot, the convertation was very funny and I asked what did he think about walk to the park with the little girls, so we went to the park after 1 month we were couple we were together for 6 years after that we broke up but we couldn`t and we can`t be separate so now we are really good frinds since almost4 years.
he is the most lovely guy, he is very inteligent he allways be for me, if i`m ill he is my nurse, when i feel depressie or angry he is psychologist and my personal puchingball, obviously i try to be the bets friend of the world for him.
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

Romance Relationship
1. What do you looked up to from your couple?
2. Have you ever been unfaithful to your couple?
3. Have you ever forgiven an unfaithful?
4. Is there an age difference between you and your love?
5. Have you ever fell for someone that didn't love you?
6. Do you always split up the relationships?
7. You are quiet or aggressive when you fell out with your couple?
8. Do you get on with your parents in-law?
9. Where did you meet at your first love?
10. When was the last time that you get on with someone?
Telling A short Story

A group of girls friends, called Nicol Fernanda, Karina and Paula wanted to go on holiday to the beach, and they agreed to go in January. But they had not money. Therefore they had to work three weeks without stopping to go in February. Was like no girlfriend, were in san valentines day. That day started at 6 am and the bus departed at 7.15 to el canelillo beach. Arrived at 8.30 and head towards the forest to draw pictures, after that went to a cabin for lease and stay for three days. Then went to bathe at the beach were there all afternoon.
Upon arriving the night went to the hut and then arranged to go to the craft fair and bought some stuff back home.
3 days passed and returned home very happy because they could go on holiday as they had planned.
miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009
A film review

Directed by Peter Docter; co-directed by Bob Peterson; written by Mr. Docter ans Mr. Peterson based on story by Mr. Docter , Mr. Peterson an Tom McCarthy; director of photography, camera, Patrick Lin;director od photography, lighting, Jean-Claude Kalache; edited by Kevin Nolting; music by Michael Giacchino; production designer, Ricky Nierva;producted by Jonas Rivera;releassed by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. Running time:1 hour 30 minutes.
WITH THE VOICE OF: Ed Asner (Carl Fredericksen), Christopher Plummer (Charles Muntz), Jordan Nagai (Russell), Bob Peterson (Dug/Alpha), Delroy Lindo (Beta), Jerome Ranft (Gamma), and John Ratzenberger ( Construction Foreman Tom).
Last Week I went to see Up the Pixar’s new film. I Like every kind of movie but I love cartoons movies, they makes me enjoy more than the others.
I was so enthusiastic to see this movie at the cinema but I couldn't because an unexpected problem appear - I got ill. Fortunately, I have very good friends so 3 of them came to visited me and we saw the online vertion, obviously it is not the same but anyway I saw the movie and anjoy with my firends.
When the movie started I hoped to see a children-oriented movie but the first 20 minutes of the movie I was on the verege of tears watching every moment of the relationship that Carl Fredricks shared with his lover from chilhood until she comes to death, a friend who became a wife (Elle).
From kids, It was always a dream of Carl and Elle go to "Paradise Falls" in South Africa, after die's Elle,a company wanted to demolish the house where he and Elle made their life. That's when Carl decides to fulfill the vision that his late wife had proposed in its infancy.
Carl is faced with many problems but nothing mattered. He simply wanted to deliver the dreams of his late wife until he reached a point that forces were exhauted and Carl bring back memories of the photo almbum he had made with his wife where she wrote in the last page "seek your own adventure."
While there is much more story, but is better you see the movie.
jueves, 30 de abril de 2009
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
My Favorite Song

Well, there is a wide range of songs that likes me. My favorite sons depends on the mood I'm in. If I'm angry, Ilisten to something a bit heavy, like "zombie" by Cranberries that would be ideal, If I'm in an apathetic mood, I would listen the song "I can hear the music" by James Blunt.
Today I'm feeling identify with this lyric "Please don't go" of KC and the Sunshine band. I know most people out there won't agree on this one because it is older, but the Harry Wayne Casey's voice is like the wine, is better with the time. I hear this band since I was child, with my brother and my sister, their are 20 years older than me so this song reminds me of thats days but at thesame time I can imagine that I'm going to travel in a nice place in the evening with this song.
Babe, I love you so
I want you to know
that I'm going to miss your love
the minute you walk out that door
So please don't go
don't go, don't go away
please don't go
don't go, I'm begging you to stay
If you leave at least in my life time
I've had one dream come true
I was blessed to be loved
by someone as wonderful as you
So please don't go
don't go, don't go away
please don't go
don't go, I'm begging you to stay
Hey, hey, hey
babe, I love you so
I, I want you to know
that I'm going to miss your love
the minute you walk out that door
so please don't go
don't go, don't go away
Hey, hey, hey
I need your love I'm down on my knees beggin
please, please, please don't go
don't you hear me baby please don't go
don't leave me now
Oh, no, no, no,no
please don't go
I want you to know that I,I,I, Love you so
don't leave me baby please don't go.
I want you to know
that I'm going to miss your love
the minute you walk out that door
So please don't go
don't go, don't go away
please don't go
don't go, I'm begging you to stay
If you leave at least in my life time
I've had one dream come true
I was blessed to be loved
by someone as wonderful as you
So please don't go
don't go, don't go away
please don't go
don't go, I'm begging you to stay
Hey, hey, hey
babe, I love you so
I, I want you to know
that I'm going to miss your love
the minute you walk out that door
so please don't go
don't go, don't go away
Hey, hey, hey
I need your love I'm down on my knees beggin
please, please, please don't go
don't you hear me baby please don't go
don't leave me now
Oh, no, no, no,no
please don't go
I want you to know that I,I,I, Love you so
don't leave me baby please don't go.
Informal Letter

Dear Mark,
Thanks for you latter. Yeah, the new house it's so great, very big and I'm doing a lot of changes here, in San Clemete CA. It is so different but my neighbours are nice and make me feel more confortable now. I've already made some very nice friends.
Actually I have 2 friends, but don't worry no one could be ever replace you as my best friend! Oh! about your latter... don't worry, I understand. The news that you give me about the summer is fantastic I only have to know if I would going to have money. By now, we have to wait.
that's all for now. I must start my homework for my English class tommorrow. The teacher wants us to write an informal letter to afriend and I don't even know where to being! please write soon and tell me all the news. I miss you.
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